The Openest of Worlds
- Solo Project
- 2019 (Steam + Release)
- 2020 (DLC Release)
- OWGTOWG Steam Page
- UI / UX Designer
- UI Programmer
- Game Designer
- Game Programmer
- Photoshop
- Unity
- C#
Open World Game: the Open World Game (OWGTOWG) is a light-hearted satire that captures the purest open world game experience. Initially, OWGTOWG was just a sandbox I made to learn audio implementation, however, in the process of making it, I got hooked on the process of making games, greatly expand its scope, and polished it into what you see today.
I launched OWGTOWG on Steam and in 2019 and its reception exceeded expectations; as of writing this, it has over 100,000 downloads and 2,000 reviews — 92% of them positive!